Wednesday, June 18, 2014

To Chrome or not to Chrome?

Changing is a very difficult thing for me to do.  I have been using Firefox since its release back in late 2004.  I can see many similarities between Firefox and Chrome.  I can not say the same for the other 2 main competitors out there, Safari and Internet Explorer.  One of the main things that I like about these 2 browsers is that they are both very stable.  I have far fewer issues with either of them failing to load a webpage.  One of the biggest advantages I can see is if a site crashes on one of your tabs, other open tabs will not be affected.  Another major advantage is that Chrome is more easily usable on mobile devices as shown in the video at the bottom.  However, to be honest, I don't really see that many differences between the 2 browsers.  If there are any that I am missing please let me know.  For those of you that would like to try Google Chrome for yourself just click here: Chrome Download.

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