Monday, June 30, 2014

The All Mighty Google

Here I go again (Whitesnake playing in my head) with another blog post.  This week we have focused on the all mighty Google search engine and its associate, Gmail.  I have had a Gmail account for quite some time, but really only used it when I had to.  I really like the fact that I can consolidate all of my other accounts into this one area.  I have had this feature set up on my Mac for a long time, and have found it to be very, very useful.  If you would like more information on how to do this take a look here.  Another thing that I found useful was Boomerang.  It’s a sort of addon for Chrome that will allow you to compose an email, but schedule it to be sent a later time/date.  This will be very useful for sending out reminders to parents, or meeting reminders.  I might even start using it to send myself reminders, this hadn’t really occurred to me until just now.  If you would like to know how to set up Boomerang have a peek here.  Finally, I really liked the ability to be able to “unsend” an email.  I know we have all had that moment of “oh crap, I sent that without the attachment”, or some other reason why we would like to have a redo.  This seems like it should be a must for most people.  More information on how to set this up can be found here.  What tools have you find for Chrome and/or Gmail? 

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