Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Research Difficulties

Every year I have my 8th graders and my Principles of Chemistry and Physics students research an element off of the Periodic Table.  Most of my students have no idea what to type into a search engine to even begin looking things up.  I have found that my student’s idea of research is to go to Wikipedia and call it good.  Another problem that I run into is after they have exhausted Wikipedia is for them to find credible sources. I am hoping I can eliminate 2 of those problems by having my students use the custom Google search engine that I prepared.  The search engine will give me a bit of control over what sites my students can find information.  The only sites that they can get information from are the sites that I pre-loaded into the search engine.  Here is the search engine that I created.

If you would like to know how to create your own custom search engine here is a good link from Google Developers.

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