Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Handy Google

This week our focus has been on Google Calendar and other miscellaneous Google tools.  I knew that Google had many other tools, but I had no idea that there were that many out there.

I have always used iCal, but the major downfall I found with it was that it could only be used on Apple products.  I think I will begin using Google Calendar from here on out for the simple fact that it can be used across multiple platforms: Apple, Windows, and mobile devices.  It could be rather tedious to get to your calendar on a mobile device since there is no Google Calendar app.  There are many 3rd party apps out there that you can download to your mobile device that allow you to sync your Google calendar across your mobile device.  The one that I am going to try is called CalenMob.  Here is a link to the developer Appxy.  Does anyone else use a different app?

The Internet has made it so much easier for people to get information, but there is also a downfall to this.  It has also made it easier for not completely reliable information to be found.  Google Scholar allows the user to find peer reviewed information, as a science teacher this is a big help.  I really liked that you are able to sort your results by relevancy or by date.  One of the things I did not like was that many of the article titles contained many Tier 3 level vocabulary, Science type jargon.  All in all I found this to be a very useful search tool.  This would be a tremendously useful tool for students to determine the timeliness and credibility of a source.  So many of my students want to go to Wikipedia and call it good, but this would allow them to find credible resources.  Here is a video tutorial on how to use Google Scholar:


I think I'm really going to start to re-evaluate my tech program choices.  As I said earlier I had no idea that Google had quite so many things to offer, and how seamlessly they work together.  Which of Google's tools are your favorite?

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