This week we dove into the world of
Personal Learning Networks (PLNs). The
great thing about PLNs is that there is something out there for everybody. Everything from the latest on String Theory
to underwater basket weaving. Completely
different types of string by the way. We
learned about two very different ways to nurture our PLNs, one was by using
Twitter, and the other was through a tool called Diigo.
I’m fairly certain that most
everyone has heard of Twitter by
now, but if you just recently crawled out from under the rock you’ve been
living under I will show you a quick video on What is Twitter?. I hope that really helped to clear some
things up for you. With Twitter the
possibilities are nearly endless with what you can follow. All you have to do is create an account and
start searching for your interests. You
can even have multiple accounts, i.e. school, personal interests, family, etc… If you would like to learn how to sign up for
account here is a tutorial to show you how.
The other tool we used this week is
called Diigo. Diigo may be a little more obscure to some
people, but it is very powerful tool. Diigo
allows you bookmark websites and then add “tags” to them that will allow you to
find them easier later on. One way that
I have used Diigo in the past is I found an article I wanted my students to
read. I bookmarked and tagged the article
and then shared it with the group that my students have previously joined. They were then able to highlight the article
from their laptops and add their own annotations as they were reading. If you would like to know more about Diigo
here is a short video explaining it.
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