Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What the heck is a Learning Management System?

This week we have been working with Learning Management Systems (LMS), namely Edmodo and Schoology.  Wikipedia defines an LMS as a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of electronic educational technology (also called e-learning) courses or training programs.  Both of these LMSs would of benefit to me since they are standalone sites.  I teach adjudicated youth that are not allowed access to email or any type of social media, this would alleviate that problem.  Of the two listed above my personal preference is Edmodo.  However, let’s start with Schoology first.
The first thing that I noticed was that Schoology’s homepage was very cluttered, and busy.  I was immediately concerned that my students would find it too intimidating and difficult.  The second thing that stood out to me was that I had to choose whether I was going to create a course or a group.  You have to look into the differences between the two because they each have very different capabilities.  With a course you can treat it more like an online class, you can post assignments and assessments.  The members of the course can turn them in directly in Schoology.  A group is basically more like a discussion board.  You can post discussion prompts and the group members can reply to each other.  I really do like a lot of the features that Schoology offers, but I have to go with what I think is best for my students.  Here is a video that gives a quick overview of Schoology.

  Edmodo appears, and is, much more user friendly.  It has more of a Facebook look to it so I feel that students will find it much less intimidating.  As well as the more familiar appearance Edmodo combines the Schoology course and group features into one tool.  Once you have created your group in Edmodo you can post discussion topics, assessments, and assignments all from one location.  For my students this would be a huge help.  I fear that they would become extremely frustrated with having to switch back and forth between the course and groups in Schoology.  If you would like to learn more about Edmodo here is a short video.

These can be tremendous assets in the classroom, but a teacher has to be willing to work with them.  They will be very trying at first, but if you stick with them I believe they can make a huge impact in your classroom.

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